Sunday, 7 February 2010

Devoxx 09 Summary

(somehow I forgot about this post, time has passed and my comments are mostly lost in memory)

Devoxx 09 Summary

Conference Day 1

Wednesday November 18th

9:30-11:30      Keynote
12:00-13:00    JDK7 Update
13:30-13:45    Swing & OSGi - please play nice
14:00-15:00    James Gosling on the JavaStore
15:10-16:10    JavaFX
17:50-18:50    Project Coin
19:00-20:00    Java User Group BOF
20:00-             (mostly) French evening

Conference Day 2

Thursday November 19th

9:30-11:30     Keynote (both interresting: fashion and say no)
12:00-13:00   Do you really get class loaders? (should watch)
14:00-15:00   Pro JavaFX - Developing Enterprise Applications (thanks Steven)
15:10-16:10   The Live
16:40-17:40   Detecting and preventing bugs with pluggable type-checking (useful, but not exiting)
17:50-18:50   The Modular Java Platform & Project Jigsaw
19:00-20:00   JavaFX Future (next time, review JavaFX and practice a little again before going)
20:00-            (mostly) JavaFX evening

Conference Day 3

Friday November 20th

9:30-10:30     Gaming JavaFX
10:30-11:30   Tapestry 5
11:30-12:30   Project Lombok: Bye Bye Boilerplate

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