Saturday, 19 July 2014

Building OpenJFX on Windows

This post is a step by step to build OpenJFX on Windows (8.1 64bits). It is inspired from the official instructions though it drops Visual Studio Express (which does not come with 64bits compiler and linker) in favour of plain SDK. It also uses Babun rather than plain Cygwin.

  1. Create a C:\dev directory
  2. Download and install a Java 8 JDK (I'm using 8u20 here)
  3. Download Gradle 1.8 and extract it into C:\dev
  4. Download and install Windows SDK 7.1 (no need for the samples or .Net tools)
  5. The SDK installer has a small issue in that it doesn't create a registry key that is needed by the batch files that set up the environment variables...
    Copy and paste the following into a vs.reg file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "10.0"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\"
    once saved, double click on the file to add the registry key.
  6. Download and install Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (from June 2010)
  7. Download Babun, unpack into a temporary directory, open a console in the babun directory and type:
    install /target C:\dev
  8. Download and install Mercurial
  9. In C:\dev open a standard console
  10. Get the sources:
    In the console copy:
    hg clone jfx
  11. Set up some environment variables:
    Still in the console:
    set GRADLE_HOME=C:\dev\gradle-1.8
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20
    set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin;C:\dev\.babun\cygwin\bin
    set WINSDK_DIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1
    (The later indicating to use the Windows 7.1 SDK for includes and libs)

  12. Build:
    Still in the console:
    cd jfx
  13. Open an admin console (search for cmd then right click then run as admin), then run the following to update the JavaFX files in the JDK:

    copy C:\dev\jfx\build\sdk\bin\*.* "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\bin"
    copy C:\dev\jfx\build\sdk\lib\*.* "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\lib"

    copy C:\dev\jfx\build\sdk\rt\bin\*.* "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\jre\bin"
    copy C:\dev\jfx\build\sdk\rt\lib\*.* "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\jre\lib"
    copy C:\dev\jfx\build\sdk\rt\lib\ext\*.* "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\jre\lib\ext"
  14. In the console that built OpenJFX:
    gradle sampleAppsJar -Dplatforms.JDK_1.8.home="%JAVA_HOME%"
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar C:\dev\jfx\apps\samples\Ensemble8\dist\Ensemble8.jar
  15. Hack...

Using Babun seems to take care of the Cygwin packages that are needed by OpenJFX, those that may not be already installed may be added using:
pact install  <package name>
(an exception being g++: mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ )

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Building Java 9 on Windows

This version focuses on building Java 9 on Windows (8.1 64bits) and takes a few short-cuts from the Java 8 version (refer to that version if you get issues).

Last updated: 2015-05-14, fixed JDK image path, Freetype 2.5.5, use cygpaths

  1. Download and install Windows SDK 7.1 (there is no need for the samples and .Net tools)
  2. Download and install Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (the ReadMe says the version from summer 2004, however this does not seem to still be available from Microsoft, the version from June 2010 seems to be a working replacement)
  3. Download and install the Mercurial for Windows
  4. Download and install Java 8 (if not already done)
  5. Download and install Babun, then use its package manager to install zip :
    pact install zip
  6. Create a C:\dev\ directory 
  7. Download Freetype source (2.5.5) and extract to C:\dev\freetype-2.5.5
  8. In the Babun console:
    cd /cygdrive/c/dev/jdk9
    (use a slash / instead of a back-slash \ )
  9. Get the root source:
    hg clone
     (or the more bleeding edge )
  10. Move to the new directory
    cd /cygdrive/c/dev/jdk9
  11. Get the remainder of the source
  12. Force the permissions
    chmod -R u+rwxs .
    (otherwise some files get access denied errors)
  13. Run the auto-conf script
    bash configure --with-freetype-src=/cygdrive/c/dev/freetype-2.5.5
  14. Time for cooking
    make images
  15. Once done, open a new standard Windows console and navigate to
    check that java runs:
    bin\java -version
    or for something a bit more visual:
  16. enjoy!
For day to day refresh do the following (in the Babun shell):
  1. Go to the JDK directory
    cd /cygdrive/c/dev/jdk9
  2. Get the sources updates
  3. Force the permissions
    chmod -R u+rwxs .
  4. Remove the build directory
    rm -rf build/
  5. Rerun the auto-conf script to update the time stamp of the build:
    bash configure --with-freetype-src=/cygdrive/c/dev/freetype-2.5.5
  6. Re-heat
    make images

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Hacking NetBeans: Improving the Manage Groups dialog

In my previous post I tried to show how I'd like to improve NetBeans Manage Groups dialog, in this one I'll try to show how to.

Setting up:
  1. Get and install Mercurial
  2. Clone
  3. Get Ant (1.9.3 worked for me)
  4. Make sure you have Java 7 (8 doesn't work)
  5. Open a shell in your working copy directory to do a first build that's needed for creating Ant tasks that are used by the NetBeans projects
    set PATH=%PATH%;C:\softs\apache-ant-1.9.3\bin
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
    set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

With the first build done it is time to have a look at the working copy. Looking at the long list of modules, the first one that seems to talk about project and ui is projectui. A quick drill down shows that it also talks about groups, so lets open it in NetBeans.

org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.groups has a ManageGroupsPanel that correspond to our dialog (panel).

It doesn't include the bottom buttons though. Searching the nearby classes the buttons are defined in GroupsMenu, in manageGroups() on line 196:
 dd.setOptions(new Object[] {select, newGroup, cancel});
Lets remove newGroup from that line, then run the project then in the new NetBeans instance open the dialog, the button is gone.

Now coming back to the main dialog, the first thing that distracted me was the height of the buttons - 29 -, a quick look at other another dialog with a button shows a height of 23, so adjust the height of the buttons to 23 via the designer.

Run again, it looks nicer.

Next readding the New button. Drop a button above the Properties one... The panel is using a GrigBagLayout (long time no see), so adjust the Grid X/Y properties of the buttons to reallign (2,1 for New, 2,2 for Properties,...)
Next set the text of the New button, to do it click on the "..." by the text property then fill as:

Switch to the code tab of the properties, name the variable newButton.
Switch to Events, add a handler for actionPerformed (newButtonActionPerformed).
Now we need to add the action. The simplest is to move over the code from GroupsMenu.newGroup() along with the HELPCTX constant, adjust the messages prefix to ManageGroupsPanel instead of GroupsMenu, then call from the handler.

Run again, click new, click Create Group the new group is created and selected but not to the list...

To do that, first make the newGroup method non static, then in the Runnable() {
block add after
Group.setActiveGroup(g, true);
the following
String selectedValue = null;
DefaultListModel model = (DefaultListModel)groupList.getModel();
for (final Group grp : Group.allGroups()) {
    if(grp.equals(Group.getActiveGroup())) {
        selectedValue = grp.getName();
groupList.setSelectedValue(selectedValue, true);
Run again, now the list is updated.

The old dialog was closing both the New Group and the Manage Groups dialogs.
To give that option lets add a new button "Create and Select".
First add a new message:
"ManageGroupsPanel.new_create_and_select=Create and Select",
between create and cancel.
Then after the cancel button creation:
final JButton createAndSwitch = new JButton(ManageGroupsPanel_new_create_and_select());
Then change the line that follows to:
dd.setOptions(new Object[] {create, createAndSwitch, cancel});

Then allow the if(result...) condition to also handle createAndSwitch:
if (result.equals(create) || result.equals(createAndSwitch)) {
Back up a little and mark result as final

Then after groupList.setSelectedValue(..) add:
if (result.equals(createAndSwitch))
        final Window w = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ManageGroupsPanel.this);
        if (w != null) {
Run again, does the trick.

One last thing, the selected group also change when we just click on Select, so let not change the active group in that case:
if (result.equals(createAndSwitch))
  Group.setActiveGroup(g, true);
The full method:
    "ManageGroupsPanel.new_title=Create New Group",
    "ManageGroupsPanel.new_create=Create Group",
    "ManageGroupsPanel.new_create_and_select=Create and Select",
private void newGroup() {
    final NewGroupPanel panel = new NewGroupPanel();
    DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(panel, ManageGroupsPanel_new_title());
    dd.setHelpCtx(new HelpCtx(HELPCTX));
    final JButton create = new JButton(ManageGroupsPanel_new_create());
    panel.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
            if (NewGroupPanel.PROP_READY.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
    JButton cancel = new JButton(ManageGroupsPanel_new_cancel());
    final JButton createAndSwitch = new JButton(ManageGroupsPanel_new_create_and_select());
    dd.setOptions(new Object[] {create, createAndSwitch, cancel});
    final Object result = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(dd);
    if (result.equals(create) || result.equals(createAndSwitch)) {
        assert panel.isReady();
        final NewGroupPanel.Type type = panel.getSelectedType();
        final boolean autoSync = panel.isAutoSyncField();
        final boolean useOpen = panel.isUseOpenedField();
        final String name = panel.getNameField();
        final String masterProject = panel.getMasterProjectField();
        final String directory = panel.getDirectoryField(); Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Group g = NewGroupPanel.create(type, name, autoSync, useOpen, masterProject, directory);
                if (result.equals(createAndSwitch))
                  Group.setActiveGroup(g, true);

                String selectedValue = null;
                DefaultListModel model = (DefaultListModel)groupList.getModel();
                for (final Group grp : Group.allGroups()) {
                    if(grp.equals(Group.getActiveGroup())) {
                        selectedValue = grp.getName();
                groupList.setSelectedValue(selectedValue, true);
                if (result.equals(createAndSwitch))
                        final Window w = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ManageGroupsPanel.this);
                        if (w != null) {


Projects groups in NetBeans

One of the features of NetBeans that I use the most is the Projects Groups. It allows to arbitrarily group projects together then switch from one group to another. For instance as below, projects related to a lambda lab, project related to the Yoko Tsuno site I help maintaining in a Yoko group, and the default (none) group. Or to switch between a feature development group and a bug fix group.

NetBeans also allows to create a group populated with a project and its required projects, or from all the projects in a directory.

Up to NetBeans 7.4 this was contained in a sub menu of the project context menu:

Fairly fast, but may be not so easy when dealing with a large number of project groups.

So in NetBeans 8 Beta this is changed to a full dialog:

Making it easier to remove several or all groups.
(A nice hidden feature of that dialog is that double clicking a group switches to it)

However I feel, in addition to the buttons being too high, that the "New Group..." button could be moved to the right buttons list:

In NetBeans 8 Beta, the "Create New Group" dialog creates a new group and switch to it, dismissing the "Manage Groups" dialog along the way:

I also think it should offer the possibility to either create a new group and switch to it, but also to create a new group and return to the "Manage Group" dialog to allow for creating more groups:

(though "Create Group" would now just return to the "Manage Group" dialog)

Let's see how in the next post...